
Bed Bug Populations on the Rise: The Increasing Importance of Bed Bugs Control in Kolkata

Bed Bugs Control in kolkata

After a brief hiatus during the COVID-19 pandemic, bed bugs are back in action in Kolkata. Of course, the concept of bed bugs control in Kolkata is nothing new. To keep bed bugs at bay, homes and businesses have relied on the services of pest control experts for centuries. But, professional bed bugs control in Kolkata is set to become much more important for locals in the post-pandemic world. Here’s why. 

Post-Pandemic Bed Bug Infestations: What You Need to Know  

Right after the social distancing restrictions were lifted, people started traveling and gathering in numbers. These movements gave bed bugs the perfect opportunity to find new homes by hitchhiking on people’s clothing, luggage, and backpacks. 

While motels and hotels typically suffer from the most serious forms of bed bug infestations, these insects can make themselves at home anywhere: schools, stores, libraries, religious meeting centers, and inside your home. 

In other words, learning about bed bugs control in Kolkata has never been more important for local homeowners. In this article, we will detail everything that pest control experts want homeowners to know about bed bug infestations in 2023. 

Why Are Bed Bug Infestations So Dangerous?

Bed bugs are age-old pests that feast on human and animal blood. These insects only grow to be 4 to 5 millimeters in length. But, they are visible to the naked eye. Even if you do not directly spot these insects, you are likely to spot all the evidence they leave behind. 

The main piece of evidence bed bugs leave behind is poop. Blood is full of iron and insects, including bed bugs, can get iron poisoning. That is why bed bugs have to get rid of all iron in their bodies as fast as they can. 

To do so, these insects defecate frequently, leaving tiny black droppings on sheets, bedding, sofas, and any other spot that they infest. So, if you spot tiny black spots on your bedsheets or furniture items, you may require professional bed bugs control in Kolkata.

Here are some other common signs of bed bug infestation that homeowners need to be aware of: 

  • Blood stains on sheets, pillowcases, cushions, and on the victim’s body. 
  • small, red, and itchy bed bug bites spread across the body
  • A strong musty odor in the sheets, pillows, and other bedding. 

Although bed bug bites can itch and cause pain, these insects generally do not spread diseases. But, that doesn’t make these insects any less dangerous. The entire lifecycle of a bed bug can be over in less than 1 to 4 months. This means it doesn’t take much time for a small infestation to quickly expand into a large-scale problem.

Rising Bed Bug Population: Should Homeowners Be Concerned? 

A key factor that’s driving the bed bug population in Kolkata is a severe lack of knowledge about these pests. Complaints to private or government pest control agencies are still quite rare. The ones that do complain are typically hotels, movie theaters, and other business establishments.

Plus, these insects thrive in humid conditions and the city has recently experienced one of the hottest and most humid years in recent history.

Most homeowners still don’t take the bed bug issue seriously. Many even try to eliminate bed bug infestations on their own instead of calling in professional pest control companies. These types of errors and delays only accelerate the spread of infestations. 

Bed Bugs Control in Kolkata: The Best Solution

Teaming up with pest control experts who specialize in providing bed bugs control in Kolkata is undoubtedly the most efficient way to rid your home of these pests. Pest control professionals like Dadson HPS can help homeowners gain total control over a problem that will otherwise continue escalating.

Bed Bug Populations on the Rise: The Increasing Importance of Bed Bugs Control in Kolkata
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